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Northern University Bachelor and Master’s Degree programs are implementing education in following specialties (full-time education/part-time education):

1. Management (according to branches)
2. Economics
3. Accounting and Taxation
4. Software Engineering
5. Journalism
6. General Pedagogy  (Primary Pedagogy and Methodology)
7. Preschool Pedagogy (Preschool Pedagogy and Methodology)
8. Specialized Pedagogy  (Russian Language and Literature, French Language and Literature)
9. Jurisprudence
10.Foreign Language and Literature (English and Literature, French Language  and Literature)
11. Psychology

The university also implements post-graduate education in following specialties.
«Finance, accounting», «Armenian Classical Literature » and «Judicial Right».

For all specialties distance learning  is provided.

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Northern University celebrates the  100th Anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia

Towards the 100th Anniversary of the first Republic of Armenia Northern University High School 11th grades pupils and history teacher Nazeli Simonyan presented  episodes of May Victories, and their  significance in the achievement  of the Armenian statehood. The pupils sang patriotic songs, presented national heroes and underlined the importance of the Armenian army formation. They proudly make  parallels between the present realities and the glorious pages of the past.


On March 20 of 2018, the Northern University was granted  the Institutional Accreditation for a 4-year period by  ANQA, which is the best assessment for  the university’s passed way,  its serious contribution to education, and the development of the sphere.

On May 7, during the event organized at Northern University, the latter was granted the Institutional accreditation certificate by  the National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation.

It should be noted that the university is currently the only educational institution in the country which has received three accreditation (in 2001- termless, in 2015-conditionally  for 2-year period, and in  March 2018- full institutional accreditation), at the same time contributing to the appreciation of the accreditation idea and to the process's development throughout the Republic.

Main News


Attention dear students...

Attention dear students...

Attention Northern University is announcing the “Erasmus+” Student Mobility cal...



Ուշադրություն!! Հյուսիսային համալսարանի և Իսպանիայի Սևիլիայի համալսարանի միջև Է...