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Within the framework of cooperation between Yerevan Northern University and Jan Amos Komeński State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno,  in April 9, at above-mentioned institution in Poland, |The IIIrd International ERASMUS+ KA107 Staff Week” was launched.

This year the University  hosts:

2 lecturers from Atyray Oil and Gas University, Kazakhstan;

1 lecturer from Shakarim University in Semey, Kazakhstan;

1 lecturer from Yerevan Northern University, Armenia;

3 lecturers from Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

This time the delegate from Armenia is Northern University lecturer Harutyun Khalatyan, who will have 8 hours lectures for students on  “Economic Geography” topic.

During the whole week 7 international participants will provide lessons for students of the University, take part in meetings discussing dual diploma studies and share the experience.

 The first day  was an introductory  day. The guests had excursion in the University and around the Old Town, meet Rector prof. Maciej Pietrzak and visit the University's laboratories.

Next, participants are expected to have a full day of lectures.


    “Buckwheat is feeding 60 families”

On April 3, on the initiative of  Northern University Alumni,  Career Center, the Association  of Social Enterprises of Armenia and the Youth Opportunities NGO, a training on "Social Entrepreneurship" topic  was held. Students, staff members, Head of Foreign Relations Department  Suzanna Sargsyan and others were present at the meeting.The purpose of the training was to introduce an alternative business orientation, contributing to the balance of social and business approaches. Participants were provided with detailed information on social enterprise, the differences between the social enterprise and business  entrepreneurship,  the role of social enterprise in community development was highlighted and so on. As it was mentioned, any capable physical person  (RA citizen, foreign citizen or stateless person) may be an individual entrepreneur.


   Traditional   pilgrimage

On the bright holy Easter  morning, on the  Yerevan-Ashtarak highway, you would notice a group of pedestrians,  who set off for the long way. They were not just pedestrians, but pilgrims from  Northern University,  who took the direction of St. Gevorik Monastry in Mughni, to attend the liturgy. It is already several years,  that the University’s Economics and Management Chair organizes pilgrimage on  Jesus resurrection day out of Yerevan, visiting one of the Armenian  churches. Working staff  from other Chairs and administrative departments of the university are also joining the event. Everyone is returning deeply impressed, with exhausted legs, but with a stronger spirit. Look at the pictures and you will be convinced of that.

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Attention dear students...

Attention dear students...

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